Ms. Kolbert posted a video of a 1 week old puppy pile
My comment:
This is such a cute video!I could really sit here and watch it all day!
Ms. Kolbert posted: What's the problem with anonymous commenting?
My concern here is his statement that "anonymous speech is of a lesser quality." I realize not every anonymous comment will have the same Earth-shattering impact as say, Deep Throat, but I do think there is a place for people who have valid information to share and have good reason to want to conceal their identities.
Will requiring people to register accounts really yield the results Tim is seeking? Will people really self-moderate? Or will they quickly figure out how easy it is to create email addresses for this purpose?
What about the possibility that many people, anonymous or not, may simply stop commenting for not wanting to jump the extra hurdle of having to register?
I think this is something we all struggle with as educators who blog and may want to bring the blogging experience into our schools and classrooms. Is there value in anonymous commenting?
My comment:
I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the university of South Alabama. We are required to leave our names and emails on all of our comments so the persons blog we are posting on can give us feedback. This is a good rule.
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