Sunday, May 1, 2011

Final PLN

I have completely improved my PLN since the last progress report. I am now using iGoogle for my PLN and I am enjoying it. I like that I am able to personalize it in every way. My background is quite possibly one of my favorite things. I love reading people’s blogs and I have chosen several to follow that show up on my iGoogle page. I think I like simply reading the posts, it's interesting to see what individuals have to say. I love reading blogs from teachers around the world. I think it is fascinating to see what they are doing with their students. I have gotten many ideas about things to do with my own students in the future. Through my PLN, I have gained a new respect and appreciation for blogging. Prior to this class and my PLN, I swore that I would never blog, but I now see the point. Not only will I continue to blog and follow people’s blogs, but my students will most certainly blog as well.

1 comment:

  1. "My background is quite possibly one of my favorite things." What does have to do with your PLN?

    This does NOT address who (or what) constitutes your PLN. If I were to say, whom would you call if you needed help on... there is nothing here that would give me a clue on how to respond.
